1920's Van Camp Straight Handle Vintage Axe
AXE TYPE: Single bit Dayton boys axeRATING: Rustically restored
HISTORYVan Camp Hardware was the largest general hardware firm in the state of Indiana during the first half of the 20th century. The founder Cortland Van Camp came to Indianapolis in the 1860s. He originally formed a partnership in 1876 with J. A. Hanson and D. C. Bergundthal to sell blacksmith supplies, general store goods, and general hardware. The company was known as Hanson-Van Camp until 1888, when it became Van Camp Hardware & Iron Company. Cortland Van Camp was active in the business until his death in 1923. The firm remained in family hands until 1967. The company name changed to Graystone Corporation on November 15, 1976. That corporation dissolved on December 2, 1977.
Van Camp’s roots in food began with Gilbert Van Camp and his wife, Hester. Back in 1861, they canned fruits and vegetables in their family store in Indianapolis. Van Camp was an entrepreneur and tinsmith who built the first cold storage warehouse. Gilbert’s son, Frank, discovered that pork and beans taste better when mixed with tomatoes and served hot. He began marketing his new product and even sold them to Union troops during the Civil War.
Van Camp packing company first entered commerce in 1882. Gilbert Van Camp and his son Cortland launched Van Camp Packing Co. (after a previous fruit-packing enterprise, Van Camp & Son, went bankrupt).
It was heavy advertising, beginning in about 1895, that created public demand for their beans drenched in tomato sauce. While we now think of such a product as distinct from “Boston baked beans,” made with molasses, Van Camp advertised his product as “Boston Baked Beans Prepared with Tomato Sauce.”
About This Axe
This beautifully etched axe has been rustically restored and given a 36" straight handle with brown and black stain and a wipe of poly.
This expertly restored, heirloom quality axe instantly turns heads and becomes the go-to conversation piece in your den, office or home. Included with the purchase of the axe is a frame quality writeup about it's history.